Saturday, May 30, 2015

When it rains it pours Morton Salt

As the title states when it rains it pours Morton Salt in my case on my sores. When life gets no crappier then it does. It's bad and getting worse. Our wonderful rain has hindered me again from working on my orchard. I was looking forward to a fruit orchard.

My co worker got Memorial Day off even though it was on her work day. You know what I don't get every other work place would make you work it especially if it's on your scheduled day. I don't know why my work place isn't like that.

My nails I got asked by a lady at the store how do I grow them so long. I've had really long nails since childhood I've never really had to do anything to them. My nails just grow a lot. I got blessed with good genes that allowed me to grow them.

I tried a new hair growth product and method last week. My hair is oily and itchy. I'm going to try it one more time. I'm wondering if I used too much oil. I'm going to try it out with half as much. If it turns out good I'll share more details.

I know this is a short blog but there isn't any to write on. I do apologize for that.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Rainy day videos cheer me up

I hope my last video on how I cut my bangs would work but I guess it won't. It's a twenty five minute video. I'm going to have to shorten it by doing it on a wig.

Friday, May 22, 2015

My dog days have started

I've been beyond busy. I've had to trace a money order at the post office my post office isn't a fully functioning post office. Therefore, the clerk had to send a request to the post office in St. Louis, Missouri to trace my money order. I'm thinking what's wrong with this picture, seriously why can't each post office keep a hard copy of the canceled and cashed money orders in a record book. I know years ago they did and within an hour or less you knew where your money went. I can't believe technology is this nicely putting it far fetched.

I'm on foot until further notice when life is handed my lemons I get crapped on more. My truck got pulled over for expired tags. I know my luck would run out but it seems like when you're poor you get more crap then the rich.

My dad has  been betrayed by his preacher. He turned him into division of aging. The woman was impressed by the way he keeps house. My dads house is nice, he takes care of himself, and his yard. I can't believe someone would make a case out of my dad asking if he could borrow the law tractor he sold him. I thought churches were to help people. I guess I'm right they're really dens of predictions. I know some people aren't going to like that statement. I'm sorry I've been burnt by afew churches. One I attended 25 years. My dad had a heart attack fighting for his life I was told to sell his stuff like he was dead, sell my dump truck company, and house and farm land and my grandparents place give 10% to them. I told him to get the F off my property and don't come back. I'm still mad and won't attend any church after that moment. Well until little over a year ago I'm still weary of it.

My cats are happy the division of aging woman was impressed by them. Who wouldn't be his cats are pretty. One is a calico and a black and white tuxedo cat.

My hair I did one video on my ficcare clip. I'm still letting it cure. I'm so excited about using. I'm going to take still shots for unTamed Tresses. I love my new home. It's a small home like community. I'd invite anyone to join there.  My hair no blog would be complete with out it. I bought a growth stimulating oil. I'm not into a lot of products but I think it's going to work. It's softee stimulating growth oil. Saturday will be my first time using it. I'm stoked already.

I didn't weigh my self this week bringing my own lunch is going great. I'm also walking a lot especially this week. Today I walked two plus miles and yesterday the same. I'm hoping to rock some new hair dos, body, and hair toys. I'm going to have fun this summer.

I'm thinking about going to college on line for book keeping accountant. It's my dream job pardon me career.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

I've saved up towards one of my goals and miss ranty pants

I've saved up towards one of my goals. I'm going to call Monday about a price quote on sending my lap top in to get the hinge and connector cable fixed. My lap top has been broke for three years ever since the country went into its recession. I still say it's a depression no body stays in a recession that long. Next will be two more lap tops to send in. I'm happy. I'm making head way. I'm glad I called my local computer shop the guy was really nice,reasonable priced, and he picked up all three. The two dells he wanted half their pricing to fix it. It was cheap enough I sent in all three and he does pick up. I can't wait to be back on my way to using a computer. Next is my mifi.

I think it's going to be the summer I get ahead. I keep saying that. I can't somehow make it. Ever since my boss and her world famous cut backs. I think a good lesson for crummy bosses is to live on the minimum wage pay they give us. Besides when did it become a bosses job to take away a persons dignity through cut backs. I've been stripped of every dignity I've had. I've gave up personal spending at beauty shops, new clothes,and eating out. I've went from a monthly cellphone to prepaid,gave up my cable, and newspaper and home phone and wifi. I don't go out anymore there's no money to go out on. I've went without food so another member at my house didn't go hungry. I think that's why I want fresh fruit. My own orchard so I don't have to do without.

Speaking of wifi I'm looking into mifi travel devices. I want a pay as you go one. I don't use the net that much. I really don't have much time for sitting on my computer so mifi could be good. I was window shopping on eBay for my mifi device. My wifi through my local provider got to be a luxury item with the prices they charge.

Rumor has it my local grocery store is getting bought out. My local store can't compete with Walmart. I can see why my local store was higher then Walmart. I guess that's what you get when you pay Peter to rob Paul. Karma kicks in.

I guess this is a gripe. Since when did pets need to eat food that's as high priced as ours. I have two cats they eat more costly and quantity wise. If I did them the way I do myself I'd be behind bars. I can starve myself or cut back no one says a word starve a pet you're behind bars. Don't get me wrong but when did it become alright to starve humans? I think the playing field needs leveled. People don't need to pay huge prices for average food or pet food. Something's got to give.

Healthcare is so messed up its unreal. It keeps going up why because we have to have it because our dictator says so. Say what that's messed up a dictator saying you have to be insured. My insurance is high due to it being mandatory. What a reason to raise prices?

My weight loss total 2.2 (2 pounds 2 ounces) I'm hoping to lose 10 more pounds and be at my healthy weight.  It's not going fast enough and I'm going to take things up a bit bringing my own food no more unknown calories or nutrition.

My hair I measured it May 16 I gained an inch and my hair seems a bit thinner but it's picking up. I'm hoping I can keep on growing. I have the last three videos out. I have more hair styles to do and as promised a bang trimming cutting video.

I'm done posting videos for a while. I'm going to make some more and I'm going to make some about hair toys. The next one will be messy but fun. I'm not going to give it away just wait until the video comes out.

Friday, May 15, 2015

More videos on hair

Rainy blues

I'm tired of the rain messing up my plans. I've rescheduled my eyebrow waxing appointment due to the rain. I mean rescheduled three plus weeks in a row. It's getting to be a pain in the butt.

I'm also tired of the rain messing up my ground work for my orchard. I can't cut and haul off brush due to the rainstorms. I'm also afraid that we will flood or not have rain when we need it.

My hair forks from Australia arrived Monday night. I got them off of eBay the store is Javacentric they're great they've combined shipping and are willing to help you if you use an iPhone like I do. I give them A+ in service.

I did get a good deal on Folgers coffee for my dad I got it on sale at Dollar General. I think it was $.75 cents off. This day and age any price break is great.

I did try a new hair do a psyche knot 1910 hair style I'm only at waist my hair needs to be full hip length to do this. I'm not real sad my hair needs to be able to make one more coil around the first twist to be able to secure with my three or four prong fork. I only have a three prong. When I go to hip I'm getting a four prong. My hair is 6 to 8 inches from my hip.

I was asked what I did with my hair toys when they become nonfunctional for my hair length. I have one hair fork that's small when I can't use it in a full up do I will use it in my half up dos.

I haven't been shopping for along time. I'm saving up to get my lap top fixed. I'm making this happen. After I get this done I hope by fall I will buy a few nice things.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Videos on hairtoys holding the cinnamon bun

My hair videos I didn't get around to using my forks. I will add them using a cinnamon bun. The quality isn't too great it's hard to set a camera on a stand and do your hair

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Week after May Day

It's a week after May Day and I've been working on a video for my past and present bang styles. I found my current style on a girl in the 1970's movie Dual. The blonde girl Shawn on the stalled school bus. That made me think about the best method to do it myself. I seen YouTube videos that were complicated. I was about to give up then I found how to cut children's hair a book. I'm lucky my libuary had it. It's perfect, children hate hair cuts it has to be fast, easy, and stylish. Another disappointment they have a website and the diagram I used. I don't know if it's copy right invasion if I do their method on a wig. I will have to research this.

My research on a few topics this week lead me to the big video issue on here. How do I creat one? I found the answer and marked it to my home page for easy finding. Next is finding the time to shoot one and a wig with a stand. Then I will need a camera man to hold my camera. Next is making a make shift tripod.

On to the positive I started my diet 2 weeks ago. I've been slowly gaining weight for three years now. I'm proud to say I can fit into a long line bra I got this winter and it was 3 inches too short so it didn't fasten. I didn't weigh myself back then. I weighed myself this week I lost 2 pounds 3 ounces. I use my fitness pal and pacer. They're free fitness apps.

On the orchard front. I'm going to work on it when the rains break. I did haul off two loads of brush and 17 tons to go. I know you plant fruit trees in the fall but my land needs prepared and made ready. I'm happy to try this. I'm hoping I love my trees.

I'm going to wear full make up. I got my missing items last week. I'm so loving my new found feminity.

I put on my google plus page about my hair forks and hair toys. I know some followers liked them. I have more I'll add when they arrive. They're traveling from Australia to here. I got my pink, blue, and purple two prong fork from eBay. This fork traveled from Hawaii to here. It's the first two prong fork I've owned.

I've been wondering what other things I could video blog about. I sew by hand and I've only started that September 2014: I wrote about my hair bag in my first blog. Keep children from sticking gum in my hair. I got the idea from a video on YouTube. I make my own scrunchi pony tails and bows for my French barrettes. I do crafts make the tops on my hair sticks. I use a picture hanging kit screw eye hooks screwed into the hole and bead wire through the hole and add beads. When you're done stringing beads tie it off. The other is 18 gauge pin heads, add beads, useE6000 glue into the hole (my sticks are premade and holes drilled in them) put the glue into the hole insert head pin. All the items I bought off of eBay various shops. I mentioned a few eBay shops on my google plus page.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Mayday and the beginning

It's May Day and I'm celebrating it by wearing a white plain t shirt and long colorful skirt. I loved wearing a skirt. It's been 8 years since I've worn one. I've been wearing pants and shorts. Next is make up. I'm going to wear make up and improve my looks.

I was outside this week I'm measuring and figuring up my mini orchard. I'm going to do this and start saving up for canning goods.  I did tease arch my trees it will take three years for my trees to mature. I do think this is my calling. I thought sewing was my calling too. No one mends or recycle old things anymore.

Hair tidbit. I'm saving up now due to my hair fork buying spree. I want to get my lap tops fixed. I'm going to do that this summer all three of them. I've set up a fund saving can as I call it. I'm that serious about saving up for this cause.

Second hair tidbit. I'm going to post a video on how to do your bangs like mine. I'm going to buy a wig and block for for the demo. It's hard to cut and talk about your hair. I finally figured out how to do this.