Thursday, May 7, 2015

Week after May Day

It's a week after May Day and I've been working on a video for my past and present bang styles. I found my current style on a girl in the 1970's movie Dual. The blonde girl Shawn on the stalled school bus. That made me think about the best method to do it myself. I seen YouTube videos that were complicated. I was about to give up then I found how to cut children's hair a book. I'm lucky my libuary had it. It's perfect, children hate hair cuts it has to be fast, easy, and stylish. Another disappointment they have a website and the diagram I used. I don't know if it's copy right invasion if I do their method on a wig. I will have to research this.

My research on a few topics this week lead me to the big video issue on here. How do I creat one? I found the answer and marked it to my home page for easy finding. Next is finding the time to shoot one and a wig with a stand. Then I will need a camera man to hold my camera. Next is making a make shift tripod.

On to the positive I started my diet 2 weeks ago. I've been slowly gaining weight for three years now. I'm proud to say I can fit into a long line bra I got this winter and it was 3 inches too short so it didn't fasten. I didn't weigh myself back then. I weighed myself this week I lost 2 pounds 3 ounces. I use my fitness pal and pacer. They're free fitness apps.

On the orchard front. I'm going to work on it when the rains break. I did haul off two loads of brush and 17 tons to go. I know you plant fruit trees in the fall but my land needs prepared and made ready. I'm happy to try this. I'm hoping I love my trees.

I'm going to wear full make up. I got my missing items last week. I'm so loving my new found feminity.

I put on my google plus page about my hair forks and hair toys. I know some followers liked them. I have more I'll add when they arrive. They're traveling from Australia to here. I got my pink, blue, and purple two prong fork from eBay. This fork traveled from Hawaii to here. It's the first two prong fork I've owned.

I've been wondering what other things I could video blog about. I sew by hand and I've only started that September 2014: I wrote about my hair bag in my first blog. Keep children from sticking gum in my hair. I got the idea from a video on YouTube. I make my own scrunchi pony tails and bows for my French barrettes. I do crafts make the tops on my hair sticks. I use a picture hanging kit screw eye hooks screwed into the hole and bead wire through the hole and add beads. When you're done stringing beads tie it off. The other is 18 gauge pin heads, add beads, useE6000 glue into the hole (my sticks are premade and holes drilled in them) put the glue into the hole insert head pin. All the items I bought off of eBay various shops. I mentioned a few eBay shops on my google plus page.


  1. Congrats on the diet, I have been struggling with that too. I was trying to do more exercise and then I strained or injured something in my hip. I have pain shooting all down my leg right now! Not fun! Now I can hardly hobble around the house!

    1. I blew my diet on Mother's Day and the day after. I'm going right back on it. I have a sore on top of my foot that's been giving me pain. I do hope your leg gets better.
