Saturday, December 12, 2015

Working on me the count down begins

I forgot to mention it last week the pharmacy delivery guy pulled down his pants underwear and all showed me his bruised hip. I was in awe to say anything at the time and as he left the office he patted me on the shoulder.

The trouble maker is gone. I'm hoping for a peaceful week at work. Maybe the stress will go down and life will be better. I can't take too much more crap.  You have grandpa jones and his falling every time he moves and carrying on. The crap is out of line.

Speaking of work I got called by Carrie which is nothing new. She never works her full shift. I could have used the money but I was at the doctor.

I did find a recipe for chow chow it's made with green tomatoes and I haven't had any since I was a child. My grandma used to make it I loved it.

My microwave quit and I called in the warranty. I get a 124.00 dollar check in 5to 7 business days. Go me. I'm happy to get that done. I have to eat sandwiches until then.

I made my Lilla Rose order. I'll place it next week Friday when I grocery shop. I'm happy and I'm still thinking of things I can do and keep busy so I'm not on the long hair forum that often for spite I blogged, made the announcement I'm not dead, and made an album. I put my crush in it but made it private.

I also noticed that Lilla Rose has limited edition beads of solid and one multi color ones like ones I made this summer. I'm hoping that it's coincidence that some one didn't steal my idea off of untamed tresses or hair site. If its coincidence its two great minds thinking  alike.

I'm also going to buy some other toys for my hair and I'll put pictures when I get them. I'm ordering from I have their products on my google plus. I loved them. I've also found afew more things I'd like to try duck bill clips, flamingo clips, and hair forks and barrettes.

I'll be glad when the holidays are over with. I'm so burnt out of the holiday crap. I don't celebrate holidays anymore ever since I've become lower income. It's not the same without all the glitter of the holidays.

I'm thinking about writing my crush. I have his information and I'm going to get a po box too. I think my crush would like to hear from me.

My favorite site is up and running I'm glad I was starting to run out of things to do.

I spent all of Friday on the phone to different pharmacies trying to get strips for dads glucometer and no one has them. They're sending him a whole new machine. In four years its discontinued you think it would not be out of date in four years.

I'm hoping the trailer trash gang comes and moves out. I'm tired of dealing with them. The red headed male came and got his dishes. I bet that ghetto trash bunch took ours we had nicer things then they had.


  1. Hi Jacqueline! I always enjoy your blog updates. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...God bless you.

    1. I also hope you have a merry Christmas and blessed New Years. I'm glad you like my blog updates.
