Monday, August 27, 2018

8/23/18 only exciting day

As you read the title read that’s my only exciting day. Benny came by and wanted a special kiss. I gave him special kisses and we talked he’s neurotin it henders his sexual performance. He’s also on seboxin for opiate addiction. They gave it to him Friday and it wore off Saturday. He was due to get more Monday the doctor wasn’t in so he has to go back Tuesday.

Let’s see I have been saving money back and I’m still collecting popcans. I haven’t sold them yet but I’m still collecting them. I’m going to keep going until this fall. I’ll sell them if I’m in desperate need for money. If not I’ll keep collecting.

My poshmark still hasn’t sold anything. I’m about to give up on it and try selling my stuff elsewhere. I think it’s a joke.

I did get a trim in three years. My hair looks better. I put pictures of it on Facebook long hair community page.

My ex has gave up on the neighbor next door which she hasn’t spoken to me since I called her out.  Sunday morning he acted like he was going to turn down my street but went straight went to the next block backed up turned around pulled into the driveway at the neighbor house 200 feet from my house.  Then when my cousin who lives across the street from me confronted him he said he was interested in my neighbor lawn mower cart. It’s sat there since I don’t know when he’s suddenly interested. 

Later that day he drove in front of my house. I used social media to revenge him.  I called him an old coot in the coot mobile. I don’t care who likes this lady part I hope he finds out. The barrel lid came off and the trash drifted to my neighborhood.

Friday, August 17, 2018

The rain brings out the trash

The rain brings out the trash. I seen my ex go by my house all this week. I’ve been ignoring my ex and doing my own thing.

August 8 at noon my ex Charlie girlfriend was driving by me on my way to Dollar General. She stopped asked me if I hated her I’m like no. Then she wanted to know if I wanted a ride and I’m like no. Then I walked on. I don’t hate her thanks to her being a garbage can and him being trash it keeps him away from me. In the back of my mind I wonder if she is fishing for answers or if he’s doing it.

I’m finalizing my YouTube video list. Then I’m going to try and do YouTube videos.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Last Wednesday to this Wednesday

I’m going to start off on a sad note. My new screen door was stolen last Wednesday out of my yard it been sitting in my yard since June. That was last Wednesday. I reported it to the cops but it’s most likely gone. I’ll have to buy another door.

Last Wednesday Lady cat was playing with Butter cup my tom cat and things got too rough she pulled a muscle. She was in enough pain she was crying out and couldn’t move. I placed her on my couch and laid by her side. Three hours later she was moving slowly and the next day after that she was back to normal.

We got a new lady and she’s a pain in the butt. She’s likable but thinks we should cook certain meals I’m not going to cook oatmeal and healthy foods. It’s called fast food.

We got rid of a pain in the butt man to get another pest. I bet it’s a dandy. Yeah a bigger pest is all we need.

We have a work place meeting tomorrow and payday. I’m tired of the lectures on cleaning they thought 9.00/hour would motivate us 9.00/ hour isn’t crap to live on so it’s not that motivating to me.

 On a sexual note I’ve been taking boob pictures at different locations. I’ve sent them to my boyfriend and he loved them.

Even more personal note I gave him a mind blowing blow job special kisses as I call it last night. He came by around 7pm and he asked if he could have a blow job. I didn’t hesitate I gave him one that probably lasted 5 minuets I had him off on a hollering leg shaking orgasmn. Yep all in five minutes.

On a good note we got rid of my beloved coworker scary Carrie. She’s prn means in my bosses world gone.