Monday, February 29, 2016

Weekend woes

The weekend went by too fast. I got my St.Patrick's and Easter cards at Dollar General. I bought them for my crush. I also mailed two envelopes and two envelopes of pictures. When he calls I'm going to ask if I can mail the rest at one time. As you can guess I spent one day taking pictures for my crush.

I got a refund on my photo printer from Korea. I bought two more teddies and a belt. The rest I'm going to use on bills. I bought the belt to go with my dress.

I guess my new co worker isn't working out so well. She didn't do anything but sleep she's got another job. Some of the rest of us do too.

I also groomed my hair down stairs. I used my conair pink and white trimer. Then I shaved the rest. I was pleased with the results but it wasn't perfect so I'm going to redo my landing strip using nair. I'm wanting it to be smooth. My hair keeps growing back fast. I'm going to let the landing strip grow out a bit more.

I seen a long time rival and her hair isn't much longer then mine. I also trimmed my splits they were all wanting to catch on things and my hair sounded crunchy. I haven't been using my serum and my leave in conditioner. Lack of moisture can cause splits. 

I'm walking more I walked a lot Monday the route I take on Saturday. It's a five mile walk. I'm hoping to get rid of the weight I put on.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Lonely,bored, and product reviews

I've been lonely this week. I haven't received any mail or a phone call from my crush. I look forward to my call and letter. I did dream about my crush that I built a secret passage in my house and in the area I dreamt about the passage being in reality one could be built. I might have to build it in the future.

The boredom I had was being broke when the weather is nice. We had 50 to 70 degree highs. I love it I hope it stays. I did go to my po box Tuesday and Saturday. On my way home from my po box I mailed my crush his letter.

I'm going to get a refund from the eBay seller from Korea. I bought a pocket printer and I never got it. I bought another one from eBay different guy closer to my area. I hope to get this one in 2 to 7 days.

Product reviews

I have finesse hair spray. I hated it- it never held my hair in place. I will never buy it again.

Aussie sprunch spray I loved it and I'm not going to buy anymore I don't use hair spray.

Conair battery operated electric razor with trimer. I used it to trim my personal female area. I gave 20.00 for it at dollar general. I love it.

Monday, February 15, 2016

The bold and beautiful

I'm almost done with dads paper work all I need is to notarize it. I'm going to do it this week and be done with it.

We had another famous work place meeting. We heard about the new electronic medbook, more cleaning chores, and the rotated schedule. Everyone hated that we can thank Scary Carrie for that. I'm not a fan of hers anyway. I'd like to know with a forgery charge on her record how can she work here. I'm going to tell my boss about it.

I never did hear from my crush I hope he calls me. When we talked last Monday he told me he loved his cards. I'm going to send him a St. Patrick's day card and Easter card. I did write him more letters. I'm still waiting on my photo printer to arrive.

On the hair front I did wash all my hair to clarify it. I also conditioned it afterwards and today I did my normal leave ins. I'm wearing it up in a cinnamon bun held with a duck bill clip. I've been using my mtg twin a week really sparingly. I hope I can reach tailbone length by this summer.

I did buy a trial size berry blossom scented hand lotion by EOS. I love the scent and so far the results seem to be good.

Monday, February 8, 2016

The false preacher comes around

I had a mundane week. I did all my normals. The only exciting thing was when my Victoria Secret arrived and I'm excited about wearing it. I'm going to wear it for my crush. Speaking of my crush he called me Saturday. I loved hearing from my crush. I'm glad he got his birthday card and Valentine's Day card.

I've been cutting back on eating and trying to get my weight under control. I'm hoping it works. I want to look good for him and grow my hair to please my crush. I do a lot for my crush. I want to do more for him. I feel good being around him.

On to my man I told him I wanted space and he's been distant. We didn't see each other all weekend. His dads been in the hospital so maybe that's why I haven't heard from him. Sorry to say I'm not missing him or caring he's not on my mind.

Sunday I was cleaning my dads room and I was almost done. My dad was in the living room when the knock happen. It was the corrupt preacher from the local church. The same church that said slandering things about me at my work place. They insulted my dad. We never heard or seen them after the insults they slung at us. Now all of a sudden here he comes around. I call my aunt mentioned this to her. We think he's up to something. I called the social worker Monday. I also called the doctor and the mortgage company I'm now the mortgage holder. I'm on everything now. I'm beneficiary deed to the house and land. I'm hoping that's enough to keep the con artist away.

I decided to wear my hair up in my new silver duck bill clips. I styled it in a cinnamon bun. That's my go to style.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Giving second chances

I will start with Monday. Dad his labs done every Monday. The nurse is nice and we like her. I walked to work everyday this week and Monday I went to the post office no mail from my crush.

Tuesday was typical and boring. I worked some extra hours at work and I need the money for my projects.

Wednesday I went to the post office and no mail. I did work extra today.

Thursday dads nurse came. He got his manicure and home visit. After that we went to the store he drove.

Friday I placed my order for my teddy through Victoria's Secret. I'm giving them a second try. I didn't have good luck before.

Saturday I lounged around. I didn't feel good so I took it easy. I did write my crush a note and mail his cards. His birthday is the 9th and Valentine's Day coming up I wanted to beat the rush.

Sunday I went to the post office and I had a letter from my crush along with a card. I love my card and note. I came home from that walk read my note. Then I wrote him three letters that were two pages long and one that's one page long.