Monday, April 25, 2016

My not so great news

I never did tell anyone but my body hasn't felt right for two weeks this is the third week so I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. My man and I don't want a child so I turned to sisterzeus website and found a vitamin c abortion. I've started this Sunday after my positive pregnancy test on Friday. I had headaches, ease of my pregnancy symptoms, and back aches cramps in my abdomen. My legs hurt me too. I'm still doing this 1000mg tablet every two hours around the clock. I'm also using black cohosh too now and then. My man keeps calling me asking if it's working.

I'm sorry I'm not up to a long blog.


  1. Honey, not to get too far into your business, but why don't you just seek a termination? It's a much better, and healthier solution. plus the longer you wait the more difficult it can be. I just want you to be okay.

    1. I don't think my town has a clinic for that. Does insurance pay for it? If not I'm sunk.

    2. Some insurance does pay, you'd have to check with your provider. Do you have a Planned Parenthood near by, or in a neighbouring town? Of course your own doctor can give you advice and information.

    3. The clinic I go to has a nurse practitioner. If I opt for the medicine abortion I wonder if he can do it. I've seen websites where you can buy the kit and do it yourself.

    4. I would seriously NOT recommend a do-it-yourself kit. Women have died trying that. Get medical advice and help.

  2. or 1-800-550-4900 is available 24/7, they are available in almost every town, they will help you with anything and everything to give life to your baby if you truly are pregnant. Just remember: Abortion means one dead, one wounded.

    Adoption is the most loving option if you do not want a child. So many infertile couples are waiting and waiting and will give anything and pay all expenses to have your child!

  3. Annelise, with respect shut the hell up and stop trying to push your narrow minded religious opinion on her. She doesn’t wish to be pregnant full stop. It's her body, her life, and her choice.

  4. Annelise, with respect shut the hell up and stop trying to push your narrow minded religious opinion on her. She doesn’t wish to be pregnant full stop. It's her body, her life, and her choice.

  5. The baby's body is NOT her body, and the baby has no choice to be killed or not killed. This is not religion, it is scientific fact! A baby is its own person and it is alive...if it was not a living person, why do abortionists have to kill it?

    Choice begins before conception--don't want a baby? Then just don't do what makes a baby. I am sorry you feel so enraged by the truth, but please know that there is healing and hope out there for post abortive women.

  6. There is no baby. A small group of cells does not make a baby. You want a scientific fact? Right now that non-sentient group of cells is a parasite living off of her body and she doesn't want to host it.

    You want choice? I'm pro-choice. The living, breathing, thinking human beings choice to either bring the pregnancy to term or terminate it. Not the choice of someone else, anyone else, for her to do what they (you) think is right.

    Many women find themselves with an unwanted pregnancy, even married women. Still think they "just (shouldn't) do what makes a baby"? What a simplistic, juvenile idea. And it's called sex. Sex. And it's not bad, dirty or sinful.

    I'm not 'enraged' by your naivety, but I am disgusted by your assumption that you know better what's best for Jacqueline than she does. She opened this post saying she did not want the pregnancy and was trying to get rid of it. So, what do you do? You try to guilt her into keeping the pregnancy with fairytale ideas of a happy adoption. Do you know how many children are waiting around to be adopted, and never will be? Do you have any idea the statistics for mental, physical and sexual abuse perpetrated against children in the system? Not to mention the stress and distress of bringing the pregnancy to term, giving birth, and then turning it over to someone. But to you it's all just rainbows and cupcakes.

    I was trying to help her with information to achieve what she wanted. You were pushing your personal agenda.

    So to recap:

    1.Cell clusters don't make a baby

    2.Sentient human beings get to make the choices

    3.And you don't get to make decisions for other peoples lives

  7. A person is a person no matter how if the newly conceived "clump of cells" is not a human, what is it? This makes absolutely no sense if we look to science and common sense! Were you not a human person immediately after you were conceived, Kat? A very very tiny human person in the very first stages of development? If not, what were you? And at what point exactly did you become a human? If not at the moment of conception, when? 6 weeks? 6 months? What about one day or one week before that time? We can see this
    by using our reason and that science proves in great detail what I am trying to relay.

    Did you know a "clump of cells" has a heartbeat 18 days after conception?

    28 days after conception, the "clump of cells" has a nose, ears, mouth, etc...

    I am so pro-woman that it hurts me to see other women misinformed and misled! It hurts me that all the little women in the wombs of their mothers are being discarded, dismembered and even killed up until delivery and never given a chance, or a choice, at life!!

  8. I am so sorry the education system has failed you so greatly. No, a clump of cells is not a person. It may have the potential to be, but it is not.

    Until a foetus can survive outside the body, on its own, I'm afraid it's still a parasite (strictly speaking) and can make no choices of its own.

    If you're truly 'pro-woman' then support the women that are here, and not the make believe women you imagine might someday exist. Oh!, and you could stop propagating misinformation, and misleading women in distress with BS like "one dead, one wounded".
